22 December 2009

The End...

I post a detail of my new work Offering to the Goddess of Pleasure [full image will be available soon on my new website]. I consider this work “the end” of a chapter, the final piece to complete the Obscure Subconscious series.
I conceived this work during autumn 2007, and I made most of the drawing at the beginning of 2008, leaving it untouched until recently. Last days I made some final touches on the backgrounds, in order to be able to bring Obscure Subconscious project to an end. Sincerely, Offering to the Goddess of Pleasure being an old work, I feel that its concept doesn't represent my current thinking. So, working on it didn't felt like creating art, it felt more like restoring something old. Looking back to its theme, I am tempted to consider this work as being among my darkest creations ever made. It is a climax for my critical perspective about the concept of decadent eroticism.

The work itself provides visuals for the gloomy psychological state that I went through between 2006 and 2008, circumstances that lead inevitably to the creation of the most sinister and depraved contemporary Transylvanian image series: Obscure Subconscious.

Damnatio Memoriae…

Postez un detaliu al lucrarii Ofranda Zeitei Placerii [imaginea intreaga va fi disponibila in curand pe noul website]. Consider lucrarea aceasta ca fiind sfarsitul unui capitol, piesa finala a seriei Subconstient Obscur.

Am conceput aceasta lucrare in timpul toamnei 2007, si am facut mare parte din desen la inceputul anului 2008, lasand-o neatinsa pana acum. Zilele trecute am completat o parte din fundaluri, pentru a putea aduce proiectul Subconstient Obscur la final. Sincer, Ofranda Zeitei Placerii fiind o lucrare mai veche, simt ca nu imi reflecta gandirea actuala. Astfel, lucrand la ea nu am avut impresia ca as crea arta, mi se parea mai mult ca restaurez ceva vechi. Privind la tema lucrarii, sunt tentat sa o consider ca fiind una dintre cele mai intunecate creatii pe care le-am facut vreodata. Este un punct culminant al perspectivei mele critice asupra erotismului decadent.

Lucrarea in sine ofera o imagine a starii mele psihologice sumbre dintre 2006 si 2008, circumstanta care a dus inevitabil la crearea celei mai sinistre si depravate serii de imagini contemporane transilvanene Subconstient Obscur.

Damnatio Memoriae...

07 December 2009

Site Concept for KCCC

The first design that I conceived for the website of the Korean Cultural Center Cluj-Napoca. Now we are working on a simplified, more efficient version. Primul design conceput pentru site-ul Centrului Cultural Coreean Cluj-Napoca. Acum lucram pe o varianta simplificata, mai eficienta.