30 March 2010

Your Turn - Performance

Last Saturday [27 March] together with other two artists: Sebastian Hosu and Alexandru Catana, we organized an art performance in the center of Cluj Napoca. The event was filmed and photographed by Furtmar Gunter Norbert Hans.


The contemporary art performance was entitled "Your Turn." It can be considered a relatively new form of art in the Romanian context, aiming to get the public closer to the artworks. Usually, the artworks can not be touched by the public, the viewer becoming just a passive admirer of the artists' creation. The purpose of our performance was to change this perspective, and provoke the viewers to make some artworks by drawing together with the artists. The interactive event gave the public a chance to express their imagination, and it also stimulated us to adapt our drawings to the sketches made by the public.


It was a memorable and important experience to us, and wonderful and fun moment for the public.(^_^)


Catana Alexandru, Hosu Sebastian, Fabian Emanuel

Sambata trecuta, impreuna cu alti doi artist: Sebastian Hosu si Alexandru Catana,  am organizat un performance artistic in centrul Clujului. Evenimentul a fost filmat si fotografiat de Furtmar Gunter Norbert Hans.


Performance-ul artistic contemporan a fost intitulat "Your Turn" [Randul Tau]. Poate fi considerat o forma relativ noua de arta in contextul romanesc, avand scopul de a aduce mai aproape publicul de lucrarile de arta. De obicei publicul nu are dreptul de a atinge lucrarile de arta, devenind doar un admirator pasiv al creatiei artistilor. Performance-ul si-a propus sa schimbe aceasta perspectiva si sa provoace publicul sa creeze niste lucrari de arta desenand alaturi de artisti. Evenimentul interactiv a oferit ocazia oamenilor sa isi exprime imaginatia, si ne-a stimulat sa ne adaptam in functie de desenele publicului.


A fost o experienta memorabila si importanta pentru noi, iar pentru public o ocazie de a iesi din cotidian. (^_^)


Catana Alexandru, Hosu Sebastian, Fabian Emanuel

23 March 2010

Episode 1 - Satu Mare

After about two years since I exhibited my artworks for the last time, next month [April] I am going to return to my hometown for a new expo.


After the group expos of 2005, 2006 and 2007, this will be my fourth time to use an exhibition space provided by the Satu Mare Museum of Art, so I have to admit that I am returning there with nice memories from my previous experiences. Since I don't have any future plan related to my hometown, this will be probably my last exhibition in Satu Mare, but also the most significant so far.



This time, I feel honored to have the chance to open a joint exhibition with Master Park Yang Jun [박양준] from South Korea, one of the most prestigious contemporary Korean calligraphers. Soon, I will post more info about his work.



For those who aren't familiar with Satu Mare, it is a relatively small city [about 120.000 inhabitants] located in the North-West of Romania next to the border with Hungary. It is an old city with a history of over 1000 years, being considered a hybrid space of Romanian and Hungarian population.



The Museum of Art from Satu Mare is located in a new-Gothic building constructed in the 19th century. Today it hosts temporary exhibitions, and a permanent exhibition composed by the works of the most relevant artists from Transylvania. [More info about Satu Mare here]

Satu Mare Musem of Art [photo from: http://www.satu-mare.ro/cultura/muzee.html]

Dupa aproximativ doi ani de la ultima mea participare la o expozitie, luna viitoare [aprilie] ma voi intoarce in orasul meu natal pentru un nou expo.


Dupa expozitiile de grup dintre 2005 si 2007, evenimentul de luna viitoare va fi a patra ocazie in care voi folosi un spatiu pus la dispozitie de Muzeul de Arta Satu Mare. Astfel, trebuie sa admit ca ma intorc cu amintiri placute dupa experientele precedente. Insa de vreme ce nu am planuri de viitor legate de Satu Mare, probabil aceasta va fi ultima mea expozitie in orasul meu natal, dar in acelasi timp cea mai importanta de pana acum.



De data aceasta, ma simt onorat sa am ocazia de a expune alaturi de Maestrul Park Yang Jun [박양준] din Coreea de Sud, unul dintre cei mai prestigiosi caligrafi contemporani coreeni. In curand voi posta mai multe informatii despre creatia sa.

04 March 2010

Say Annyeong [hello] to The Color Box !

Since yesterday my new website is online. During the last week I was working on the final details, translations and testing.


The name of my new digital art is The Color Box, its concept and design being based on the sparkling colors of a box.


The subtitle of the new site is The vivid faces of my personality. The box has 6 colorful sides, each of them corresponding to one of the menu structures: Art, Literature, Web Design, Activity, Animation and Web Design.


The novelties of the site are a brand new design and structure, some new art works, personal statements to support the artwork series that I created so far, some new literature, and a preview for the new artworks that I am preparing for this year. And of course… a new personal colorful style to reflect my inner changes.



Noua mea pagina web este online de ieri. Ultima saptamana am lucrat la ultimele detalii, traduceri si testare.


Titlul noii mele lucrari de arta digitala este The Color Box [Cutia Culoare], conceptul si designul fiind axate pe o cromatica vie a unei cutii.


Subtitlul noului site este The vivid faces of my personality [Fețele vii/colorate ale personalitatii mele]. Cutia este compusa din 6 fatete colorate, fiecare corespunzand unei parti a meniului : Arta, Literatura, Web Design, Activitate, Animatie respectiv Web Design.


Noutatile site-ului sunt un design si o structura noua, cateva lucrari noi, analize personale menite sa sustina teoretic seriile si lucrarile de arta, literatura noua si niste informatii sumare despre lucrarile pregatite pentru anul acesta. Si desigur… un stil personal nou si colorat, reflectand schimbarile mele interioare.