06 May 2010

Episode 2 - Cluj-Napoca

After opening the "Like Cherry Blossom" exhibition in Satu Mare Museum of Art on the 14th of April, we are preparing a new and larger event.


On the 18th of May, a second "Like Cherry Blossom" art exhibition will open in Cluj-Napoca. This time, the joint exhibition that features my works and Master Park Yangjun's works will be followed for an entire week by Korean cultural presentations, creating a real Korean spring festival coordinated by prof. Park Youngsuk.


The place that will host the events is the Casa Matei Gallery from Cluj-Napoca. The gallery itself is a place with a special history. The building dates back to the 15th century and it is a combination of Transylvanian Gothic and Renaissance styles.   It is attested to be the birth place of Hungarian King Matias Corvinus.


Today the building hosts one of the major art galleries of Cluj-Napoca, promoting exhibitions of artists from all over Europe. 

Casa Matei Corvin (image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/92728560@N00/1095713517)


Dupa deschiderea expozitiei "Ca Floarea de Cires" in Satu Mare pe 14 aprilie, pregatim un nou eveniment artistic.


Din 18 mai, a doua expozitie "Ca Floarea de Cires" (Like Cherry Blossom) se va deschide la Cluj-Napoca. De data aceasta, expozitia care va reuni lucrarile mele cu cele ale Maestrului Park Yangjun va fi urmata de o saptamana de evenimente culturale coreene, creand un adevarat festival cultural coreean  coordonat de prof Park Youngsuk.


Evenimentele vor fi organizate in incinta Galeriei Casa Matei din Cluj-Napoca. Galeria in sine este un loc cu o istorie speciala. Cladirea a fost construita in secolul 15, intr-o combinatie a stilurilor gotic si renastere transilvaneana. Deasemenea, este atestat drept locul de nastere al regelui Ungariei Matei Corvin. 


Astazi cladirea adaposteste una din galeriile de arta de top ale Clujului, promovand expozitiile artistilor din variate puncte ale Europei.

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