09 February 2009


Gyeongbokgung is one of the five royal palaces built by the Joseon Dynasty in Seoul, South Korea. It was constructed by King Taejo in 1395 and after being destroyed by the Japanese invasion of 1592, it was rebuilt in 1868. The restoration process ended up with a unique architectural complex composed by more than 300 buildings, but the Japanese occupation from the beginning of the XX-th Century damaged the palace’s layout. Today, the restored buildings of the most important areas are opened to visitors, being the most impressive piece of traditional Korean architecture preserved in Seoul.
Gyeongbokgung este unul dintre cele cinci palate regale construite de dinastia Joseon in Seul, Coreea de Sud. A fost construit de Regele Taejo in 1395. Dupa ce a fost distrus de invazia japoneza din 1592, a fost reconstruit in 1868. Procesul de restaurare a dus la crearea unui ansamblu compus din peste 300 de cladiri, dar ocupatia japoneza de la inceputul secolului XX a afectat grav palatul. Astazi cladirile restaurate ale locatiilor de o importanta majora sunt deschise vizitatorilor, oferind imaginea celei mai spectaculoase piese de arhitectura traditionala coreana pastrata in Seul.

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