30 March 2010

Your Turn - Performance

Last Saturday [27 March] together with other two artists: Sebastian Hosu and Alexandru Catana, we organized an art performance in the center of Cluj Napoca. The event was filmed and photographed by Furtmar Gunter Norbert Hans.


The contemporary art performance was entitled "Your Turn." It can be considered a relatively new form of art in the Romanian context, aiming to get the public closer to the artworks. Usually, the artworks can not be touched by the public, the viewer becoming just a passive admirer of the artists' creation. The purpose of our performance was to change this perspective, and provoke the viewers to make some artworks by drawing together with the artists. The interactive event gave the public a chance to express their imagination, and it also stimulated us to adapt our drawings to the sketches made by the public.


It was a memorable and important experience to us, and wonderful and fun moment for the public.(^_^)


Catana Alexandru, Hosu Sebastian, Fabian Emanuel

Sambata trecuta, impreuna cu alti doi artist: Sebastian Hosu si Alexandru Catana,  am organizat un performance artistic in centrul Clujului. Evenimentul a fost filmat si fotografiat de Furtmar Gunter Norbert Hans.


Performance-ul artistic contemporan a fost intitulat "Your Turn" [Randul Tau]. Poate fi considerat o forma relativ noua de arta in contextul romanesc, avand scopul de a aduce mai aproape publicul de lucrarile de arta. De obicei publicul nu are dreptul de a atinge lucrarile de arta, devenind doar un admirator pasiv al creatiei artistilor. Performance-ul si-a propus sa schimbe aceasta perspectiva si sa provoace publicul sa creeze niste lucrari de arta desenand alaturi de artisti. Evenimentul interactiv a oferit ocazia oamenilor sa isi exprime imaginatia, si ne-a stimulat sa ne adaptam in functie de desenele publicului.


A fost o experienta memorabila si importanta pentru noi, iar pentru public o ocazie de a iesi din cotidian. (^_^)


Catana Alexandru, Hosu Sebastian, Fabian Emanuel

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